Sunday, November 16, 2008


Once again its been forever since I've written on here. Life is good.

I move into my new apartment next week and I am really excited.  Maddi will finally have a nursery and i can't wait to decorate it.  Jake also got some awesome paint for free from the condo's hes been painting downtown. I can't wait to get out of this cramped apartment, with torn out floor (thanks to diesel)... to finally have walk in closets, a laundry room, hardwood and carpet floors and a bedroom big enough for all our stuff!

Maddi is getting big so fast its scary and I feel like my life is speeding by.  I just want to take every cute smile and coo and stick it in a jar or something, because someday Im really going to miss them.

So im sitting here at my kitchen table waiting for my milk to come in because I forgot to pump for work tomorrow... and on top of it, my pump isn't working so i have to Manually milk myself like a freakin cow.  I feel like a dweeb, but i have to get it out somehow!  The things you do for your children...

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