So i've been feeling.. not myself lately.
I know its the hormones. it has to be, and I really don't like it.
I hate being moody, and never really thought of myself as a moody person before and liked that about me. However things have changed. It seems as though (usually around 6 pm) I am taken over by these nasty hormone body snatchers, which turn me into an angry, jealous, irritable person. Its not me. I know when I am getting that way too, and when Im being mean or whatever, yet it seems that there is nothing I can do about it. Jake hates it. I don't blame him, but I wish he cut me a little more slack. Its just when I get like this.. the last thing I want to do is talk about the way im acting.. or really talk in general.. however Jake is always trying to do otherwise. I feel bad because Jake will usually end our angry hormonal fight with "I want my wife back." or "what happened to the sweet woman I married." and of course i usually respond with "I killed her." or something along those lines. Who am I????
I also find that i want to fight people. Even for no reason at all. Like the person who refused to go faster than 25 mph last night.. I wanted to ram them off the road, punch through their window, pull them out of there car and punch them in their stupid punchable face. What??!!
I daydream about being at a bar and some stupid female coming up to my man and makin the moves, so i am forced to challenge her to duel. Of course in reality if this ever happened.. im sure Jake would never let me go through with it (because that is just Jakes personality) however in the daydream of mine, he just stands back and watches me completely dominate.
Now Im not going to lie. I've day dreamed about fighting and kicking ass many a time prior to getting knocked up, however it seems more prevalent now.
I also find that I am more jealous now than ever in my life. I get jealous when my friends hang out without me, or when Jake goes and hangs out with people which never would bother me before. I suppose its because I feel like I can't do anything, so no one wants to hang out with me. I can't go to the bars or clubs or whatever because Im knocked up and under aged so what fun am I right?
So jake is going to Crew fest with Sean hadden and of course I am upset again? Why this is selfish of me I know... it must be because I cannot go. Jake is taking my sister and her friends with my father to warped tour and once again i am upset. Why? because preggo can't come along.
who is this jealous angry person?? I don't know you.. get out of my body. Damn hormones.. go pick on someone else..
I just want to ask God why? Why?? Why did you make pregnant women so hormonal in the end??? To test how much our husbands REALLy love us "good times and bad??" I mean isn't being hot all the time, cramping, getting stuck in couches, peeing constantly, feeling like a beached whale, swollen feet, head ache, tiredness, and fat ass enough? Why doesn't the bible explain this more. Oh yeah Eve's punishment right?? Well you know what Eve... You suck.